Business Development

Feasibility Calculator



Annual Energy Saving = 0 KWh/Year
Annual Financial Saving = 0 EGP/Year
Payback period = 0 Year
Annual CO2 emissions reduction = 0 kgCO2e

Annual Energy Saving: Amount of electrical energy saved per year due to replacing the old motor with new efficient motor.

 Annual Financial Saving: The electrical energy cost saved per year due to replacing the old motor with new efficient motor.

Simple payback period: The time required to recover the initial cost invested to replace the old motor with new efficient motor.

Annual CO2 emissions reduction: The amount of carbon dioxide emissions in kg reduced due to replacing the mold motor with new efficient motor.

Outputs limitations

This calculator is designed for plant engineers as a systematic method to assess the financial pre-feasibility of a motor replacement/upgrade project. This calculator can guide decisions such as the repair-or-replace decisions commonly faced by maintenance engineers. Before using this tool however, the user must be aware of its limitations. The limitations of this calculator include:

  • - The calculator does not perform a thorough feasibility analysis. It only estimates annual savings, and calculates the Simple Payback Period (SPP) based on those savings.

  • - For the existing motor, the calculator only considers the nominal efficiency that corresponds to the existing motor class. This often acts as a worst case estimate (from the point-of-view of savings.

  • - Most of the parameters used in the calculator are time varying, so the output is as much  updated as these parameters. Such parameters include: EGP to USD exchange rates, specific carbon dioxide emissions factor (per kWh of grid electricity), and motor cost per kW (used in case no actual price is provided by the user).

Financial institutions

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
Banque du Caire